2012: Reflection on the Questions

Now that we are into February of the new year, I’m at a place removed so I can adequately reflect on the year that was 2012.  It has taken the better part of a month to process, and even still, I’m not sure how to digest it all.  But here’s a first crack at getting my thoughts, questions, and overwhelming confusion out of my head and into this blog.

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Thanksgiving through a Child’s Eyes

Every year at Thanksgiving, my mother would place a kernel of dried Indian corn on our plates, and one-by-one she would ask each of us to hold the corn between our fingers and answer this question for the entire table to hear: What are you thankful for this year? It was a corny tradition (pun intended) but we participated anyway, repeating the same answers year after year: beautiful children, loving partners, adoring parents, warm homes, delicious food. Who wouldn’t be thankful for these things?

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Voting for “Biblical Values”

Recently, there has been a lot of political admonishment to vote for “biblical values.” Pulpits, radio ads, and television commercials are flush with it.  We see it plastered on flyers, littering our mail.  And most recently, the Billy Graham Evangelical Association placed a full-page advertisement in local newspapers reminding us all to “cast our ballots for candidates who base their decisions on biblical principles.”

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The Text Remains….

Here we are again, the church at the tail end of a fight for human rights, human dignity, and tolerance. The president came out in support of gay marriage.  In response, a pastor in his pulpit declares before a cheering crowd that parents should punch young boys who exhibit feminine traits.  From another pupit, a pastor suggests a final solution to homosexuality by keeping gay men and women in electrically fenced ghettos.  And this week – the coup de gras:  a pastor in front of his entire church called for the United States government to execute all homosexuals per Leviticus 20:13.

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