Rage for….not Against….
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Rage for….not Against….

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Creativity by Caroline Hwang

So why all the “rage?”

This blog is not about “rage” as in “road rage,” or “Rush rage,” or “rage disorder.”  Those are all rages against something or someone.  We have enough of that already.

I am raging for something.  I rage for tolerance.  I rage for sanity.  I rage for intelligent conversation.  And I, personally, rage for explaining

In this instance, “rage” means “passion” rather than the frothy anger we see from political pundits.  It means that I am passionate about inclusion, careful thought, kindness, and above all, communication.  Because if we cannot talk with each other, all indeed is lost.

Today’s fashionable rages are usually “against” those people and ideas we find threatening.  If we just stopped for a moment and turned our anxiety about not feeling heard into the passion to understand another, we might find that the threat was of our own making.

But that doesn’t sell air-time, does it?

I’m hoping that it does.  I’m banking on a lot of people want to opt out of raging against the world and begin engaging it instead.  I believe that we have reached a turning point in the argument where we can’t shout any louder and we can’t jab any harder, because none of it gets our point across.  The sanest choice we have is to reason together to solve our problems.

I hope.  I hope.  I hope.

I have a rage for hope, you see.  One day I’ll explain why….

Until then, I challenge you to find what you are raging for.  Embrace it.  Nurture it.  Feed it.  Grow a garden of passion that outweighs the anger.  The fruit is so much sweeter and the work is that much more fun.  Then turn others on to it.  It will become all the rage!

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